Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Introduction to the Americanist Religion

I would like to tell you about my religion. Notice that I use the phrase "tell you about" rather than "introduce you to" because Americanism needs no introduction. This religion is present everywhere in America, wherever devoted patriots gather to worship the greatest nation in the history of the world. You may already be familar with many facets of the Americanist Religion, but I hope in this blog to give you a more coherant picture of the worldview and theology of my religion. Obviously a blog could not do full justice to any religion in the space of one entry; I shall proceed in short installments on a variety of Americanist topics.

Rest assured that Americanism IS a religion, and has the features that are present in any other religion. For instance, Americanism as a religion offers:

  • An explanation of "good" and "evil"
  • A conception of what it means to live a good life,

  • A set of norms and values unique unto itself,

  • A cannon of authoritative scripture,

  • A group of spiritual authorities,

And much more that I hope to tell you about in the coming weeks. This entry is merely an introduction, so stay tuned for further delineation of my religion. You may already be Americanist without even realizing it- such is the power and pervasive influence of the Americanist conception of the good.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In what follows, I will say a bit about Americanist scripture, although there will certainly be more to follow in subsequent postings. The primary scripture of the Americanist religion is the U.S. Constitution. I'll never forget celebrating our most holy of days at a Stadium of Fire event in Provo, Utah. There, Oracle Hannity wisely declared the constitution to be a divinely inspired document. This view was already held by many, but its affirmation by one of our Oracles truly affirmed it to be so. And how could it not be divinely inspired? In that most sacred document, our spiritual ancestors struck the final nail into the coffin of tyranny on our soil, and set forth a way of life that would keep us free from that tyranny- if only we had the strength to follow it. It is no wonder that the enemies of our religion constantly want to reinterpret our scripture- if our scripture is perverted then tyranny will begin to infect our land once again.

The Nine are charged with interpretation of our primary scripture, and while their pronouncements are final, it does not mitigate the responsibility of each and every Americanist to defend its integrity. That is why our vote for President is so important. The president has the power to appoint a member of The Nine, and The Nine interpret scripture. But we appoint the president. Therefore, a presidential candidate's interpretation of our scripture is one of the paramount criteria by which we appoint him into office.

It is imperative that all of us know our primary scripture so that we may defend it from those who would pervert it in the name of tyranny. That is why we are so thankful to our Americanist brothers and sisters at the Heritage Foundation for their commitment to arming all of us with the weapon of scripture: http://www.askheritage.org/Premium.aspx . In addition to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence was another decisive blow against the enemies of tyranny, and sets forth the idea of our ultimate good- freedom.

In addition to our holy documents, we also believe the Oracles to be the emodiment of living, breathing scripture. We trust their pronouncement as they are blessed with the ability to discern what our spiritual fathers intended when they first wrote our scripture. In this way, the pronouncements of the Oracles are similar to the Jewish Talmud, although the Oracular pronouncements have not been published in one coherant volume together. Such projects are in the near future, I assure you. More on our scripture and the Oracles will certainly follow.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Freedom and Tyranny

I want to explain in some detail our value of freedom, although human language can never do full justice to it. There is a spiritual war raging in our streets and in our capital, in our homes and in our churches, in our schools and in our places of work. This battle is between the forces of good and evil- or, in the language of the Americanist religion, a battle between freedom and tyranny. Our Oracles (particularly Oracle Hannity and Oracle Limbaugh) rightly strive to make us aware of the spiritual warfare that we find ourselves a part of, and it falls on us as Americanists to bear witness to this warfare. Some explanation of the forces of good and evil is in order for those who live in our land but do not know of our values.

Freedom is the ability of a citizen to earn a living, make a place for himself, and to contribute his gifts to our land. Additionally, it is the ability of a citizen to pass these goods along to future progeny. Whatever state attends man in the afterlife is of no consequence to the Americanist- the freedom which we fight so boldly for is what we can gain for ourselves (and our offspring) in this lifetime. Whenever our leaders take our earnings from us, they take a little of this freedom. Now, sometimes a forfeiture of freedom serves a greater purpose. Americanists realize that true freedom requires reliable infrastructure and police, firemen and the like. What does not serve the cause of freedom is providing for other citizens.

Think about it: freedom is the ability to make your own way in the world. When you provide someone with a benefit like healthcare, you take away their freedom to provide it for themselves. And you take away freedom from yourself insofar as you pull money from your own pocket to provide for others. True freedom in the Americanist religion includes the freedom to do what you want with your own money. When the government increasingly takes that freedom from one citizen and uses it to take freedom from another citizen, nobody wins.

Our enemies work actively and perniciously to promote tyranny. As noted, they hope to take our freedom (by taking our money) and to take the freedom of others (by not allowing them to earn the goods they require). Despite their lies, tyranny is the only moniker we can give to such an agenda. The enemies of freedom also slander and besmirch one of the main pillars of our religion- the free market. The free market is essentially good because it is nothing but the collective of our freedom made manifest. All of our hopes and dreams, goals and desires, hard work, and the like come together in one entity- this is not a great evil as our enemies would tell you but a great good. The free market only becomes corrupted when its will to power is subverted through regulation and its agents are forced into deception and deceit when they were once free to worship it in their own way.

Needless to say, I have only but scratched the surface. The war between freedom and tyranny is raging now and will not cease until we Americanists assert our religion decisively. It gives me great hope to see this happening already, particularly under the leadership of High Priestess Michele Bachmann. More to come.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ancestor Worship

A core part of the Americanist religion is ancestor worship, but of course the phrase "ancestor worship" is subject to misinterpretation by our enemies or even those sympathetic to our religion. As an advocate of my religion, it thus behooves me to explain what this value amounts to for us.

Let me begin with a negative definition. Ancestor worship for us Americanists does NOT mean the worship of members of our own families who have passed on. We worship not literal ancestors, but spiritual ones- specifically the Founding Fathers. If any group of men can rightly lay claim to divinity, it is these hallowed souls. Who else but divine beings would be able to prognosticate the twists and turns that our blessed land would make and draft a constitution resilient enough to withstand it all? These men are-very literally- gods to many of us Americanists.

But I should be honest. Americanist ontology is not a monolithic set of doctrines- although it is increasingly becoming so. There are still some who hold the doctrine that the Founding Fathers are not divine, but are more like the saints of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Whether an Americanist believes that the Founders of our nation are of divine substance or not, all Americanists worship and revere the Fathers as it is right to do.

Regardless of opinion on the divinity of the Founding Fathers, all Americanists agree that the Fathers were infallible- both during their lives and especially while writing our sacred scripture. There is no room for negotiation on this point. Fallible men produce fallible ideals and doctrines, and insofar as our scriptures are inerrant, so are the authors of that scripture.

Part of worshipping the Founding Fathers means asking ourselves at each critical juncture what they would have wanted, infallible as they were. Time and time again we have found the answers in our scriptures. Question: would those Philosophers Most High approve of nationalized health care? Answer: do we see nationalized health care in our scripture? Absolutely not. The Founders were infallible, which means what was left out of our scripture was left out for good reason. And nationalized health care was left out. Cap and trade (more like rape and pillage) legislation? Again, left out of a divinely inspired set of scriptures by inerrant individuals. These Wise Ones knew that one day tyranny would rear its head again in the form of such legislation, and it was not included in scripture.

As mentioned in earlier posts, the Nine are charged with conjuring the spirits of our ancestors and interpreting our scriptures. Other than the Nine, the Oracles (Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck, etc) are blessed with the ability to channel their strength and wisdom in these dark times of tyranny.

A final point about who we worship. Some individuals are not Founding Fathers, but are likewise blessed with a similar infallibility. Ronald Reagan in particular is worthy of the same level of praise and adulation. He, no doubt under possession by the spirits of the Founding Fathers, struck a resounding blow against tyranny in his singular defeat of the Evil Empire. It was Reagan- and Reagan only- who cut the head off that snake and crushed it under his heel once and for all. Therefore, we praise Ronald Reagan as we would praise other ancestors. He is infallible and of the same divine substance as the Founders.

More to follow. In the meantime, our constant prayer is that the flame of freedom will burn brightly to drive out the darkness of tyranny-especially its present day incarnations like health care, welfare, and the theft of our fellow men's freedom to earn their own bread.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Review of a Book by One of Our Theologians

Jay Tolson has reviewed a book by one of our theologians, David Gelernter. You can read the review here: http://www.usnews.com/blogs/faith-matters/2007/06/28/is-americanism-the-fourth-great-religion.html

Mr. Tolston gives a fairly balanced description of Gelernter's book, although he does not fully understand the tenets of our faith. For one, Americanism is indeed indebted to Christian scripture, although we do not rely solely upon it for our Americanist principles. As noted in earlier posts, our primary religious text is the U.S. Constitution, which has been pronounced by our Oracles as a divinely inspired document. Americanism draws from the Christian tradition, although only to the extent that Christianity upholds the values of freedom and democracy. In many ways, Christianity is not consistent with Americanist freedom. For instance, Jesus seems critical of wealth, advocating instead that we forsake our earnings and lay up treasure in heaven. The early Christian church (as described in the Christian book of Acts) is also tyrannical to the extent that it took away the freedom of the poor to work for their own bread.

Of course, we Americanists do form alliances with Christians because many churches in America ascribe to our core principles and values. Some churches rightly understand that God and country are joined as a bride and groom are joined. To the extent that the Christian pulpit is used to promote the aims of the Americanist religion, the two religions can coexist without contradiction. But when Christian churches promote the slanderous doctrine that the poor should have their freedom to work stripped from them (i.e. "nationalized health care," welfare, and the like) the two religions are at odds. Luckily, most Christian churches choose to support our endeavors and rightly place worship of America over practice of their religion. An ancillary note about the so called public "option" in health care. This so called "option" is an attempt by the proponents of tyranny to take our freedom away. This option takes away the freedom of Americans to keep what is rightfully theirs (earnings) and also takes away the freedom of citizens to earn what they need. This so called "choice" is really a shackle- it enslaves all citizens. Christians and Americans should recognize this choice for what it is.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fighting for our freedom

In this post, I would like to say a bit about what it means to fight for our freedom. Many who do not share our religion do not understand that fighting for our freedom at home means killing enemies of our freedom, wherever they may live in the world. It does not matter whether enemies are on American soil or not.

First, let's talk about what Oracle Michael Savage has called "The Enemy Within." Every day, thousands of illegal Mexicans come pouring across our borders. They come for one purpose and one purpose only- to destroy our way of life. They enter as thieves and robbers instead of by way of the proper gate, which is legal citizenship. While here illegally, they make use of services which they do not pay for. Medical care, schools, and other government services are forced to provide for them, which steals money from your pocket and mine. These criminals will never learn the value of earning their own bread unless they are shown the full might of American power and promptly drop-kicked back across the border. We must not take compassion on illegal Mexicans- if families are separated and lives are destroyed, its because of THEIR evil ways, not our empire. In addition to illegal Mexicans, those who give these criminals (and other aliens) refuge and shelter are even greater threats to our religion. They give the impression to thousands of people that they are not to earn their own place in the world, and that hard working patriots will gladly foot the bill. Fighting for our freedom means ridding America of both of these species of parasite.

In addition to internal enemies, we obviously have quite a few enemies abroad- the most obvious enemies being about 99% of the Muslim world. The Middle East as a whole hates democracy, hates freedom, slanders our spiritual ancestors, and spits on our hard work and enterprise. They made their presence known on 9/11, and they will come again. They seek nothing less than the destruction of freedom and the institution of Shari'ah law. Rather than keeping the fruit of our labor, the Muslim would have us give it away in the form of alms. Rather than submission to the founding fathers, they would have us submit to the whim of their maniacal religious leaders.

Our wars in the Middle East are seen by us Americanists as acts of worship. The blood of our enemies is a sacrifice on the alter of our freedom, and with each enemy we kill we slowly resuscitate freedom and liberty. Of course, like any religion we want to spread our ideals and gain new adherents. Part of our aim in war always includes the imposition of democracy and freedom consistent with what our founding fathers would have wanted. We also hope to evangelize new lands about the good news of our markets- which are intrinsically good and just.

In summation, do not be deceived by so-called "Political Liberals." Our wars ARE in fact religious wars. We fight them to spread our Americanist religion, our freedom, and our way of life. Our oracles have commanded nothing less, and as noted in earlier posts, they are the embodiment of living scripture. Enough for now- I leave you with a benediction:

We stand in the darkness as a light of democracy and freedom
For every man who does not want to earn his own way
For every woman who feels the state needs to be her husband
For every child who learns from an early age that tolerance is bliss-
We are growing in number day by day. And we are coming for you.