Monday, November 16, 2009

Ancestor Worship

A core part of the Americanist religion is ancestor worship, but of course the phrase "ancestor worship" is subject to misinterpretation by our enemies or even those sympathetic to our religion. As an advocate of my religion, it thus behooves me to explain what this value amounts to for us.

Let me begin with a negative definition. Ancestor worship for us Americanists does NOT mean the worship of members of our own families who have passed on. We worship not literal ancestors, but spiritual ones- specifically the Founding Fathers. If any group of men can rightly lay claim to divinity, it is these hallowed souls. Who else but divine beings would be able to prognosticate the twists and turns that our blessed land would make and draft a constitution resilient enough to withstand it all? These men are-very literally- gods to many of us Americanists.

But I should be honest. Americanist ontology is not a monolithic set of doctrines- although it is increasingly becoming so. There are still some who hold the doctrine that the Founding Fathers are not divine, but are more like the saints of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Whether an Americanist believes that the Founders of our nation are of divine substance or not, all Americanists worship and revere the Fathers as it is right to do.

Regardless of opinion on the divinity of the Founding Fathers, all Americanists agree that the Fathers were infallible- both during their lives and especially while writing our sacred scripture. There is no room for negotiation on this point. Fallible men produce fallible ideals and doctrines, and insofar as our scriptures are inerrant, so are the authors of that scripture.

Part of worshipping the Founding Fathers means asking ourselves at each critical juncture what they would have wanted, infallible as they were. Time and time again we have found the answers in our scriptures. Question: would those Philosophers Most High approve of nationalized health care? Answer: do we see nationalized health care in our scripture? Absolutely not. The Founders were infallible, which means what was left out of our scripture was left out for good reason. And nationalized health care was left out. Cap and trade (more like rape and pillage) legislation? Again, left out of a divinely inspired set of scriptures by inerrant individuals. These Wise Ones knew that one day tyranny would rear its head again in the form of such legislation, and it was not included in scripture.

As mentioned in earlier posts, the Nine are charged with conjuring the spirits of our ancestors and interpreting our scriptures. Other than the Nine, the Oracles (Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck, etc) are blessed with the ability to channel their strength and wisdom in these dark times of tyranny.

A final point about who we worship. Some individuals are not Founding Fathers, but are likewise blessed with a similar infallibility. Ronald Reagan in particular is worthy of the same level of praise and adulation. He, no doubt under possession by the spirits of the Founding Fathers, struck a resounding blow against tyranny in his singular defeat of the Evil Empire. It was Reagan- and Reagan only- who cut the head off that snake and crushed it under his heel once and for all. Therefore, we praise Ronald Reagan as we would praise other ancestors. He is infallible and of the same divine substance as the Founders.

More to follow. In the meantime, our constant prayer is that the flame of freedom will burn brightly to drive out the darkness of tyranny-especially its present day incarnations like health care, welfare, and the theft of our fellow men's freedom to earn their own bread.


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  4. Hello, I love that you are an Americanist like me. I also worship the Founding Fathers as divine men. Please join the "The American Christ George Washington & Founding Fathers" religious group. We worship God and the Founding Fathers of America!
